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Why dance?

So your child wants to dance... They’ve been asking to try a class at your local studio... They stare in awe when you take them to watch a ballet show and dance around in your lounge when any dance video or music is put on...
















I can’t answer the question “Why?” for you specifically or put myself in your shoes and make choices for your children, but I can tell you why it changed and moulded my life in and OUTSIDE of the studio in ways my parents nor I could never have imagined.


Stepping into your first dance class as a tiny-tot, an older child, teenager or adult is intimidating and scary. 

My first dance class was when I was four years old, a modern class with a studio down the road from my house. I was nervous and didn’t want my mom to leave, but wow did I love every second. The minute the music was on I felt at home, I loved having to listen to my teacher, who I now fondly talk about as Aunty Glenda, and figure out how to make my body do what she was explaining.

My first time on stage was with a group of girls who were much older than me. I still remember my bright green top and black jazz pants. I was in the front row and my pants kept slipping of my waist, but I moved to that music and enjoyed every second of the performance. That was my first time feeling the magical feeling of performing on stage. Every dancer I've met feels so lucky to know what that feeling is like.

From then on, my passion grew. I did modern, tap and ballet throughout my school years, danced professionally after school and still dance whenever I can amidst sharing my love for it with my students.




















So why dance?

My dance friends and team mates from my school years are still the people I cherish most, and the friendships I made with the dancers in my classes as a young 4 year old still remain. Learning to work together on a common love of dance, to know what it feels like to have the responsibility of doing your part to ensure the group dance goes smoothly. Having to support one another through injuries, through days where you are exhausted, through exam and competition results that you were disappointed with. How important are these qualities in any workspace as an adult and in relationships in life in general?

Dancing taught me time management, because just like my dedication grew in dancing, it grew in my school work. I needed to manage my time wisely to do the academic work needed in between my dance classes. It taught me to be like a "sponge" and take in as much information as possible in order to improve. I learnt that constructive criticism is not negative and rather something that can be used as a way to progress and grow. 

Dance taught me to deal with disappointments and to celebrate wins. It taught me to work hard for what I wanted. It taught me discipline and determination. Most of all it taught me to keep working and reaching for my goals. Even outside of dancing itself, these attributes and lessons I learnt as a child have helped me as an adult.


Dance gave me a safe space, where I could come home to after a bad day, it is still that for me and I encourage my students to use dance for this tool.

Dance really moulded me into who I am today. I truly believe children who dance are more disciplined, hard-working and dedicated. They are wonderful friends, smart learners and special people.

That’s why I believe in dance...


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